This year has been a grind for Ubinami. There have been many times where I questioned if this was all worth it. Sometimes I felt like putting things on pause. However, throughout the year I am proud of myself for my consistency and determination towards Ubinami. Moving forward, I know 2024 will only hold better things in store for the Ubinami blog and podcast.
Consistency is Key
Despite having moments of doubt, one thing that kept me consistent is holding myself accountable. When I started this site, I made a promise to myself that I would write at least one blog post per week. It’s nothing crazy, but still a realistic goal for every week. Writing doesn’t always come effortlessly. One thing to keep me on track weekly is making sure I average at least 100 words per day.
Anyone who has written for pleasure/business/personal reasons knows how writing can be expressive and a healthy outlet for anyone with a creative mind.
Consistency in anything is necessary for any sort of success. Writing is no different. When I started writing blog posts this time last year, I wasn’t great at the craft. Now, I still might not be as good at writing as I want to be, but I still made improvements throughout the year. Moving forward, this upcoming year will only hold more room to grow in every aspect possible.
Overcoming Self-Doubt
With anything worthwhile, there will always be times of self-doubt. Even the best like LeBron James have periods of self-doubt. Validation isn’t constantly needed, but can be beneficial when it comes in a timely manner.

Since starting this site, I have experienced countless times of self-doubt and questioning if my work is good enough for the public eye. Although I don’t need constant validation and support, I realized it means more from certain people and during specific times.
Anyone can doubt themselves. However, less overcome that self-doubt and power through. Everyone would be in a better place if self-doubt wasn’t real. Our minds can be our best friends or our worst enemies. We often create problems that don’t exist in the real world.
Overcoming self-doubt takes maturity and perseverance. It’s normal to feel unworthy or not good enough. This shouldn’t stop us from achieving what we want and getting closer to where we want to be in life.
Moving Forward: Planning but Not Stalling
Any worthwhile project, business, side hustle, etc. requires some sort of thought-out action plan. However, there is a point where over-planning starts to kill and diminish progress.
Anyone can sit around all day and plan, but few actually take action and make something happen. The difference between a winner and a loser is taking action. Someone who tries and doesn’t give up is already ahead of someone who gives up after the first sign of failure.
Stalling comes when there is too much planning and overthinking. People often over-plan when they have an immense fear of failure. Success never occurs without some sort of failure coming initially beforehand.

One thing I have learned since starting this site is that action beats even some of the best plans when moving forward. Although a particular action might not be as beneficial as hoped, you can still learn more from experience than any type of theory or master plan.
Individuals looking to start a business often take way too much time working on their business plan. Nike didn’t become a global industry leader by twiddling their thumbs and planning day in and day out. Yes, there is planning required for anything substantial and worthwhile. However, action parlays into experiences that cannot be replicated or reproduced.