Money, fame, time and attention are always considered to be extremely valuable. People often believe monetary value determines how valuable someone is in this world. However, no materialistic item will ever be more valuable than something we can never get back after it’s gone. The most valuable asset in the world?
Nobody can buy more or get it back after it has passed. Nothing can completely stop it in its tracks. It cannot be returned for equal or lesser value.
Time is Money
There is nothing more valuable in life. Money cannot buy more time, but it can always buy more money. Our ancestors were not pressed about constantly checking the clock or even had a chance to read a clock. They made sure to focus on things they enjoyed and focused on spending their days doing something fulfilling. Now, there are millions of distractions that attempt to draw us away from always being mindful of how we spend our time.
Time isn’t money because of hourly wages, but instead by the fact that it cannot be replicated unlike monetary earnings. There is an unlimited amount of cash- both physically and virtually in the world. Some people and some countries have more or less than others; at the end of the day, authorities can simply print more when necessary. Nothing can ever print more time for us to use and enjoy. Money is infinite while time has finite limits.

Some people think they can multiply time by multitasking. Although it can be beneficial in some cases, the process of multitasking often comes with inadvertent results. The mind is only capable of performing at its peak when focused on a sole task at hand. Multitasking may lead to quicker results in a shorter period, but the quality of work or performance may suffer.
Time only allows us to do one important thing at once. We cannot sleep while driving or work while resting or even exercise while partying. If someone calls themselves a great multitasker that means they are okay at doing a lot of different things simultaneously. There is a reason time is the most valuable asset in the world- it requires our undivided attention to make the most of it.
No Overtime
Everyone has the same twenty-four hours everyday. No matter how hard we try, we cannot change the scope of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Father Time prevails victorious over every mortal force. We are not immortal; time is one of the only aspects of the world that proves to be eternal. Humans have to make the most of their life on Earth and never take a passing moment for granted. Nothing can slow down or completely stop the future from becoming the present.
Although time cannot be warped, humans can use different tactics to alter the perception of time. Doing something exciting and enjoyable seems to speed up time while partaking in a boring or monotonous activity appears to slow it down. The ultimate goal is to find the balance between “speeding up” or “slowing down”; it is essential to always be aware of how we are using our days.
There is no such thing as overtime. Money and fame come and go but time proves to be more valuable than any materialistic item or monetary value. Human life is priceless due to the fact that it contains memories and experiences that money cannot buy on its own. Humans must understand how powerful the illusion of time truly is. Anyone can use this asset to their advantage once they first grasp its full potential and power.