Tag: want

Creating the Life You Want

Nobody can make the change for you. Nobody will hold your hand forever. At the end of the day, nobody can live your life for you. Creating the life you want is all about self-determination and having some sort of ambition.

Life is confusing to say the least. Many people go through life lying to themselves to please others or doing what “they are supposed to do.” Too many humans live a miserable life because they are too afraid to chase their true goals and dreams. One life is plenty of time to do what you want to do.

Me Time

Sometimes you have to be selfish in life. Being unselfish goes a long way in many regards, but can be a hinderance in certain situations. Acting in one’s best interest isn’t always being selfish. However, many people will call out others who place themselves first.

Creating the life you want: Atlanta tings

Time for yourself isn’t being overly selfish. If someone goes around constantly looking to please others, they will never be pleased themselves. People pleasers continually lie to themselves.

Choosing time for yourself doesn’t mean you have to neglect other priorities and wants. “Me time” can be anything from reading a book on a quiet night or watching a movie by yourself. Whatever it may be, there must be time for oneself to be comfortable on their own.

Go Getter

A real go getter is someone who looks to get shit done regardless of the circumstances. Anyone can say they are hustling, but actions will always speak louder than words. Results show who actually puts in work and who says they do that so called work.

Individual work is key to any type of long-lasting success. A go getter is an individual who is creating the life they want on a daily basis. They know results will not come overnight, but instead over many nights.

Nobody is born with determination or resilience-you have to want something enough to do whatever it takes under numerous circumstances.

Creating the life you desire is about putting mind over matter. Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy; only you can decide how it will affect your life.

Creating the Life You Want: Stay in Your Lane

Everyone in the world is unique for countless reasons. Why fit in with the pack when you can create your own path?

Individualism is currently at its peak. The creative world appreciates distinctive styles now more than ever. Anyone creating something worthwhile should learn from the best but never copy them directly. Too many “designers” jack ideas from one another and add their own spin. Where’s the real creativity in that?

The path less traveled is definitely more lonely and uncertain but nobody can ever take that journey away from you. Creating something of your own creates a unique feeling that can never be replicated. Originality will never go out of style.

Life is a journey. Everyone’s looks different for countless reasons. Enjoy the ride and be present.

Stay in your own lane and don’t look back.