One of the greatest human fears is the unknown especially the unknown of the future. Many people do as much as possible to attempt to predict or better understand the future. Everyone worries about the future in some way or another. Trusting your future is essential to keep a calm and stable mind.
Being Okay with the Unknown
One of the most common worries of the modern human is confronting the unknown. There is the unknown we know about and then the unknowns we don’t know about. Both can seem daunting and outright scary. However, there must be balance in everything in life, especially when dealing with unknowns.
Trusting your future is all about finding balance and being okay with the unknowns of life. No matter how hard we may try, we’ll never be able to know everything. The unknowns will always be present no matter how much time and effort is exuded in the never-ending journey of conquering the unknowns of life.

Unknowns are some of the few known facts about life. We know we are born and we will die some day. That time in between is filled with countless things we know about consciously and even more things we have no clue about; unknowns keep the world going. If everyone knew everything all the time, there would be little to no purpose in life. Not knowing everything can actually be a benefit when a person stops trying to figure out every minute detail about their life and the world around them.
Trusting Your Future: Accepting and Appreciating the Present
The past is gone and the future is yet to come.
Trusting your future requires you to accept and appreciate the present. We don’t have to like everything about our current situation. However, there is still plenty to appreciate in the present moment. Before appreciating the present, an individual must first accept the current period of their life. This time will be the past sooner than we expect. We must appreciate what we have now as it won’t be around forever.
Appreciating the present requires a level of maturity and understanding about life that most people are seeking to obtain. When the present is fully appreciated, the past cannot consumer our day to day lives and the future cannot over-worry or over-stress us. This time now is all we have at this exact moment. Appreciate what is here now before it moves on and becomes a memory.
The future is closer than most realize.
Finding Ways to Not Dwell on the Past
Even though everyone makes mistakes, countless people around the world still dwell on the past and think about the what-ifs and what could have beens. No matter how hard we try, we’ll never be able to change the past. The past should be left alone before it affects the present. The past must be acknowledged and learned from when appropriate, but should never consume lives full of possibilities and opportunities.
Everyday holds endless opportunities for every person around the world; if everyone worried about the past nonstop, then the world would have nothing to provide in the present moment.

The past consumes too much of countless daily lives. People all over the world think about events and actions that cannot be undone. No amount of time, energy, or money can change the past. That time you got a speeding ticket or the time you treated a friend poorly cannot be reversed. Although we can’t “fix” our pasts, there is still plenty to learn from without dwelling on past mistakes.
Trusting your future is essential to living a healthy and mindful life. Never lose sight of the future and remember not to dwell on the past. Appreciate this moment right now as it will never come back once it has passed.