Like any subculture in fashion, streetwear is sure to evolve countless times throughout its entire existence. Anyone who is under the age of forty can relate to streetwear and its influences regardless of if they wear typical streetwear pieces or not. The over-saturation of social media pushes fashion through numerous outlets. People do not have to wonder anymore as it is right in front of their eyes; smartphones have made fashion easily accessible for anyone regardless of their prior knowledge. The future of streetwear is generally uncertain, but there are some aspects worth speculating.
Streetwear consists of a broad range of clothing. A simple t shirt can be considered streetwear depending on how it is paired and styled. At the same time, this vagueness may lead to misunderstandings more often than not. Sneakers are arguably one of the most recognizable aspects in the streetwear world. Nobody questions how impactful sneakers are towards fashion and certain subcultures.
Multilayered Future of Streetwear
When streetwear first became popularized in America, it was a unique subculture that was directly influenced by hip-hop and rap as well as surf and skate cultures. There are tons of streetwear brands all over the world; the ease of accessibility is widespread. Anyone with a vision and some financial resources can launch their own brand. Over saturation in any particular will either be viewed positively or negatively- rarely in between the two. Streetwear will continue to evolve and develop over the years.

As any subcultures grows, there will be sub-categories that distinguish themselves from other divisions. In streetwear, differences are typically embraced. This leads to tight-knit communities that take pride in their style and outlook towards streetwear. Techwear differs greatly from skate and high-end/luxury fashion. There are more than a few that have noticeable differences. However, they all bring something unique to streetwear.
The future of streetwear cannot be predicted. Although the future is uncertain, there is one thing for certain- the layers of streetwear will not be going away, in fact they may become even more influential in the streetwear community and overall fashion industry.
Business Longevity
Nobody can ever predict how long a particular brand will stay in business. Most don’t even stay open for more than a few years, so how is it possible to predict the most influential labels twenty years from now?
Even the most seasoned community and industry advocates will never be able to fully predict the outcome and longevity of streetwear brands. Consumers preferences shift, random events occur, and too many aspects outside the direct control of a business can all lead to their end.
Businesses of the future must be preparing for the worst at this very moment. Labels that do not think past tomorrow will not have many tomorrow left to look forward to. It’s enough to be two steps ahead anymore; leading brands must be thinking about several steps ahead of the act of thinking about potential next steps. Thinking about thinking about actions that must be taken in the near and distant future.
Trends and Industry Leaders
Trends are another aspect that will never be fully understood. One year skinny jeans are popping, the next they are practically banished. Wide, flare pants are in now which was first popularized decades ago. Trends in the future of streetwear often repeat themselves. No human predicts exactly when and how these shifts occur, but most know they are coming at some point.
What’s hot today probably won’t be too fashionable in a decade; as times change, people get older and younger generations pave the way for the next to break boundaries and barriers.
Industry leaders typically stick around for far longer than the average label. For example, Stüssy has been around since 1980. Co-founded by Shawn Stüssy and Frank Sinatra Jr., the California-based label paved the way for streetwear and other brands to emerge. Streetwear wasn’t really a thing when the Orange County fashion house came into existence. Very few labels have the longevity as an industry leader such as Stüssy.
Other industry leaders stay relevant for numerous reasons. However, only the best thrive for multiple decades. Some may be prevalent for a decade or so, but those at the top lead with a purpose that enables them to be leaders for so long.
Uncertain Yet Promising
Although the future of streetwear is far from predictable, there is a lot to be excited about and look forward to. New trends, brands, and concepts will come about in the near and distant future. Technology will continue to improve; clothes are going to be more durable, shoes more comfortable, and accessories more unique and wearable.

There is no humanly possible way to tell how streetwear will evolve, at which periods, and how transformations will occur. Uncertainty allows for new ideas to emerge with minimal interruptions. Streetwear will become more advanced as time goes on; a powerful subculture will not stay stagnant as long as consumers, trendsetters, and industry leaders look to evolve.
Streetwear, like any other type of fashion, will never stay stagnant. People flock to streetwear because of the constant trends, unique styles, and household name brands that influence millions. At the same time, streetwear is about supporting local and independent labels. Supporting up-and-coming brands is everything streetwear represents. Even the most influential brands had to start from humble beginnings.
The power of change is ubiquitous and surrounding virtually every aspect of human life. Streetwear is no stranger to expected and (more often than not) unexpected shifts.